Starlight Strut is beginner-friendly, intentionally intergenerational, and organized by volunteers

About us

Starlight Strut hosts a monthly queer country-western dance in Oakland, California for women, non-binary people, and trans people.

We debuted in January 2024, but the organizers of this dance have enjoyed attending and volunteering for a women’s dance in the same space called Texas Rose for many years.

At the end of 2023, the organizers of Texas Rose facilitated the transition to the new group that would run Starlight Strut. Similar to Texas Rose, we are a 501(c)(3) non-profit, primarily run by volunteers. We remain welcoming to beginners, always providing beginning-level instruction and opportunities to dance and connect with people.

Something for everyone

In addition to helping beginners get started, we have expanded our capacity to provide lessons to a wider range of skill levels, and increased our variety of dance and music in multiple spaces. We are committed to fostering a community that is intergenerational and diverse in race and gender expression.

One of our goals is to provide women, non-binary people, and trans people more opportunities to lead: on the dance floor, in the organization, and as instructors.

What is country-western dance?

For us, it includes two-step, waltz, line dancing, west coast swing, and also night-club two-step and east coast swing. Learn more about our dance styles.